Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yarn along: A Christmas Sweater in June (well, almost June)

This little sweater's baby's due date is already on the ten day weather forecast....  But I am going to give it long sleeves, so I guess there is really no rush, she won't be wearing it soon. It would be nice to take it to the hospital, though. It is another puerperium, and I am very happy to say that this time I remembered to slip one purl-wise at the beginning of every row. 

That little book is my Knitting Journal. 

For the first time in a long time I am not knitting every day.  My best knitting time is when the children do math, or when they read to me.  Since school is out, I am busy with more hands-on things.  We spend all morning making and playing with play dough, and then moved on to paper machè.  And I cannot really knit while they do that.

I really want to read more, but I did not do much of that, either.  (The house is much cleaner, I should just add.)  I reread a bit of "The Creative Family" by Amanda Blake Soule.  I am listening to "The Borrowers" - I loved the movie (The Secret Life of Arrietty), but the book is a bit darker and ask more questions.  There is a lot of distrust, more than what I am comfortable with, so far.  I appreciate that the author addresses the fact that they are actually stealing, but the characters are just a little bit too flawed.  I mean,  "Because of Winn-Dixie" is not all moonshine and roses either, but at least the characters were likable, and the book had a message of hope.  But maybe I should not judge too soon, I still have to listen to about another hour.  Jean loved the movie, but hated the audio book, so I am not too optimistic.

I am joining in with Ginny's yarn along over at Small Things, again.  I love it, it is like a weekly play date!


  1. i've missed yarnalong. your sweater is adorable, and i hope the book gets better!

    1. So good that you are back, I missed you! Your Namibia pictures are absolutely amazing. Breathtaking.
