Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yarn Along

A cat on a bag.  Austin passed a law to forbid plastic bags a while back.  Since South Africa did that a long time ago, I did not really mind.  What irritates me is that they no longer offer paper bags, you have to ask for one if you forget your bag.  Which isn't the worst thing in the world, I just think you should not be made to feel guilty about forgetting you reusable bags.  Ugh.

And now I am crocheting my own shopping bag, one that is truly reusable, as you can wash it too.  The reusable ones you buy at the store gets very filthy, don't they? I will have to crochet more than one, but it is a beginning, at least.  I bought the yarn on sale from Craftsy, it is Cascade Cotton Rich Worsted, and how I wish I bought more! Cannot wait to go shop at Whole Foods with this one, perplexing the hipster cashier with my handmade, recyclable shopping bags and four children (and minivan).

I am reading "The One and Only Ivan" aloud to the boys.  I started to cry so much that I could not read any more, and now Jean is finishing it by himself, and reading little bits aloud to me.  It gets happier, after a while, but if you are someone who does not even like to go to the zoo, and who would not consider going to a circus, beware. It is pretty sad. Yet, I still recommend it, especially for little boys who are reluctant to read.  I found Jean last night at 12:15, reading under his covers.
Joining with Ginny again.  I wish I could get this move behind me so I can catch up with all the knitters - and oh, I almost forgot! I bought one of Lori's Yarn Along project bags.  It is as perfect and beautiful as you would have imagined.


  1. Cat's probably looking for a free ride. Nice bag.

  2. hee hee, good luck getting kitty off the shopping bag :)
    you have amazing crochet skills, it looks so nice! i truly hope your move is all done soon, and i'm so glad you are happy with your project bag!

  3. Is dit die babakat wat al so groot is? Of is dit 'n baie klein inkopiesak...?

  4. Hmmm...looks a lot like the bag we just crocheted for a CAL at
    I absolutely love the's quick to work up and looks great!
