Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who said knits for boys are boring?

I finished my first puerperium! I wish I could put it on the little baby boy that it is intended for, and hold him for just a few seconds (okay, maybe minutes, until he sleeps).  We are all still waiting for him, though, he is being woven himself as we speak.  He will not be close enough to hold once he arrives, we hope to meet him around Christmas.  He will be a southern hemisphere spring baby, so I knit the newborn size in cotton.  The next size I could knit would probably have been the 9 - 12 months, but there is still a lot of time for that.  I love the buttons - Jean woke up the morning after I finished it, found the sweater on the kitchen table, and ran to me: "whoa Mamma, baby armor!"

The book we have been reading is one recommended by Ginny - The Three Little Dassies by Jan Brett.  It is, as she described, beautifully illustrated, and the boys love reading the story again and again.  And every time we get to the part "and when you travel to Namibia today", they ask - "Ouma bly in Mamibia, Mamma?", and I can tell them the story of the one Easter when the Dassies ate the chocolate eggs the Easter Bunny (Paashaas) hid. Then they get all confused and think the Dassies will eat the "Paashaas"...  I reassure them that we will be back home in Austin before Easter, so they do not have to worry about that.

I am planning on posting more often, and not only on yarn along Wednesdays, but for the moment I am just doing a lot and and taking pictures, I am sure there will be time to catch up! Any other homeschoolers out there who suddenly remembered about science...?


  1. oh what a wonderful, perfect little piece you knitted there. I adore that blue, and the buttons are great!
    we can't homeschool in Germany but your question made me want to very badly, how great to just forget about science, for a while at least ;-)

    1. Oh Gesche, you would have loved homeschooling, I am sure. We studied diffusion yesterday, and after the Easter Egg dye diffused (it is very similar to simply "dissolved") through the water, my daughter asks - now can we add vinegar and dye some yarn? :)

  2. baby armor! I love it, its gorgeous. I don't think boy knits are boring, just that there is a lot less choice!

    1. True. I love your "zipped up", that is one new choice I have not seen before!
